Financing A Caravan

Financing a Caravan: Lengthy Waiting Periods

While the caravan industry is booming, there are national supply shortages due to increased demand in the camping and caravan market. While some businesses are thriving, many are having issues finding local suppliers.

Despite the current market being manipulated by the pandemic, people’s enthusiasm to attain caravan ownership is increasing significantly. It appears that we are experiencing a caravan and camping boom due to overseas adventure no longer being a viable option for many.

The above leads to a generational change; as a result, caravanning is no longer the topic of interest for retirees, but it includes all walks of life.

The current market predicts 12 months wait on some caravans.

If you are in the market and want to finance a caravan, give us a call, we have access to local suppliers who will be able to help you avoid the wait.

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